воскресенье, 12 октября 2008 г.

chicago colleges and universities

I've sat back for the past week and watched everything that's been happening on the campaign trail of the obama and mccain camps. I've been reading about their rallies, about the things their supporters are doing and saying.

here's a small sampling:

mccain's rallies are growing smaller, louder, and more vicious. They are regurgitating the hateful vitriol that the mccain camp is feeding them. They are racist, fascist, hate-mongering, intolerant, and small-minded. They urge violence - cries of "terrorist" "kill him" and "die" ring out. And what do their leaders do? smile and nod. Keep flaming the fire.

obama's rallies and growing larger, louder, happier, enthusiastic, and optimistic. And there are ever more republican faces in the crowd, smiling and looking for hope.

15 minutes from my house on friday night, mccain spoke at a high school. The crowd started to go into loud, hateful mode and mccain - perhaps because deep down he's decent? perhaps because he knows that he's started this fire and it could spill over into a national tragedy come january if he doesn't try to squelch it? - actually told an audience that obama is a decent guy who they don't need to fear as president, he just happens to disagree on the fundaments of policy.

and the crowd? they BOOED mccain for saying that.

they booed him.

i thought, as a country, we'd moved beyond this. I had no idea racism and fear and willingness to be led like sheep was still so pervasive.

here's the thing, people: generations have fought for the right for a peaceful, equal country. We are on the cusp of something extraordinary, and instead of america embracing it with optimism and pride, small factions are becoming increasingly vocal about just how backward and unenlightened and ignorant they really are.

all it takes is a look at a mccain/palin rally side-by-side with an obama/biden rally:

wow. From hatred and yelling and looks of pure evil, to cheering and laughter in the rain. Seriously - what country do we want to live in? i would rather cheer in a rain of hope and optimism any day than align myself with people so full of their own sense of self-righteousness that listening to the truth is beyond them.

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