понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

c++ uppercase function

Cowboy Safety meets regulations. In the area of worker safety it is primarily from CFR 1910 and CFR 1926. There are some others that are also used including three standards that are unique to Wyoming but which apply in all states under the General Duty clause. Cowboy Safety, because it deals with all areas of potential loss, also meets the IRS code and many other Federal, State and Local regulations. The Cowboy Safety plan meets regulations in a practical and less costly way.

Cowboy Safety deals with fundamental laws. A law is "the way things work." The most easily understood law is the law of gravity. Violate that law and there are immediate results. There are many other laws, maybe not as easy to understand as gravity, that are a part of a Cowboy Safety program.

Regulations are no good if they are not followed. Often injury and fatality reports show that regulations were not followed and the employer is cited. More often than not the employer had followed the regulations but the employee was at fault for not doing what the employer had said to do. Cowboy Safety deals with the employee issues.

Cowboy Safety concentrates on the what rather than the why. An employee has a right to know but does not have the time or the interest to peruse books and shelves full of legalese.

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