понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

c++ uppercase function

Cowboy Safety meets regulations. In the area of worker safety it is primarily from CFR 1910 and CFR 1926. There are some others that are also used including three standards that are unique to Wyoming but which apply in all states under the General Duty clause. Cowboy Safety, because it deals with all areas of potential loss, also meets the IRS code and many other Federal, State and Local regulations. The Cowboy Safety plan meets regulations in a practical and less costly way.

Cowboy Safety deals with fundamental laws. A law is "the way things work." The most easily understood law is the law of gravity. Violate that law and there are immediate results. There are many other laws, maybe not as easy to understand as gravity, that are a part of a Cowboy Safety program.

Regulations are no good if they are not followed. Often injury and fatality reports show that regulations were not followed and the employer is cited. More often than not the employer had followed the regulations but the employee was at fault for not doing what the employer had said to do. Cowboy Safety deals with the employee issues.

Cowboy Safety concentrates on the what rather than the why. An employee has a right to know but does not have the time or the interest to peruse books and shelves full of legalese.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

bangladesh flood 1998

Hello one and all CL�Wilson fans this is the new community dedicated to Wilson and her Tairen soul seires. I stumbled upon this seires while looking for some new books one day before work at walmart. The cover looked intresting and it sounded intresting so i bought it and im so glad i did. This book just had everything that i was into magic, romance, fantasy the whole nine yards.

anyways to start off this community i figured id post some stuff about myself. All new members feel free to follow suit

NAME: Stephanie
AGE: 19
HOBBIES: reading, writing, video games
RANDOM FACT: i collect swords

seeing as this is a new community and its my first time ever really making one i would say that its still underconstruction and may be for a while as i tweek things and try to see how all this really works but still feel free to post and add and iapos;ll do this same.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

baked tuna fish

These past few weeks, Iapos;ve been pretty addicted to the TWILIGHT�SAGA.
Just like many people who got a chance to read this book, I also, was addicted to HIM. -- EDWARD�CULLEN�i mean.
Well, Heapos;s really cool. Really.� Even though he is only a fictional character.. He made a good impact on me. On every girl who read the first book. Gyahaha. Well, TWILIGHT�is really great. Fantastic. Devastating. ;]
New Moon is pretty boring because of Jacob. Its not that i hate Jacob, but I guess i would choose Edward over him to be Bellaapos;s love. Haha.
Iapos;m wondering why they still love Jacob even though we all know that Edward is PERFECT. :]] hahaha. PEEAACE. :))
Well. Iapos;m now reading the last book because i skipped the 3rd book because my sister told me that its so boring and there is a part from that book that BELLA�and JACOB will be lovers. Wth. What about Edward? Hmm.
So. Lemme continue. Iapos;m currently reading the 4th and the last book. Emapos; currently on book 2.
btw. I already have a copy of midnight sun My sis send it to me. Yippie.

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buckle bunny pic

Been at Wesleyan for approximately 10 minutes. Sitting in the campus center at a kiosk checking my email. Already totally weirded out. It feels like itapos;s been way longer than 4 months since Iapos;ve been here, maybe because my life at home is so completely removed from any sort of college experience and mostly, for that matter, people of college/my age. I donapos;t know why I didnapos;t expect to feel so strange and removed and up close, this is really how I felt going back to high school for the first year as well. Which means that maybe some day soon Iapos;ll feel like college is something so far away from me and Iapos;m not even close to that person any more. Iapos;m not sure what I think about that.

This weekend is looming before me scarily. Iapos;m afraid I wonapos;t be able to fill it with reasons Iapos;m back, but that thought is less scary than what it means, how I ended my college experience, my legacy, the things I left (or didnapos;t leave) behind, the things I came away with (or didnapos;t.) I keep reminding myself that itapos;s only two days. If Iapos;m being honest I came because I hoped it would turn out surprisingly well and because if I didnapos;t I would always wonder. But I also wonder when that will stop being a good reason/the reason for most things I do.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

alice larde de venturino

Oh man, I was dying in art class and couldnapos;t focus, kept shaking etc, and I said apos;I want something to drink, damnitapos; so I went and selfishly bought some coffee.

And I am so indecisive and I like new things so I let the girl there pick something under the premise of it being sweet and creamy, and oh my fucking fuck.

I guess itapos;s called a apos;white rabbit breveapos; where they put half and half, white chocolate, caramel, and coffee and...itapos;s heavenly awesome AMAZING and it just made my day so much better. Ghage also gave me something incredibly delicious [if not terrible for me] some...chocolate chex mix bar.

Also, I really want to start taking some proactive steps towards vegetarianism and a mild stab at veganism [for the health benefits, I donapos;t think I could go 100 off dairy] and I know thereapos;s a lot of you fellers on my f-list whoapos;ve been vegetarian/vegan for a long time--so whatapos;re your favourite dishes? Iapos;m open to anything without onions. And cooked carrots. <3

Aside from that, I think today is going to be different. Iapos;m not sure why or how, but somethinapos; feels unusual today.

Also, Randy kept molesting my thighs. I dressed up today, and yeah, that kid just thinks heapos;s so fucking cute. >:[ [He really is, though.] I wish that fucker would develop ticklishness.
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bonnie pruden pain erasure

I wish my babies would get better, I wish my babies would get better.

Big cub has a chest infection and little cub has bronchiolitis. Big cub is now being helped by medication and little cub has to suffer through as she has a viral infection.

Really hard time as the illness is making big cub rude, agressive, argumentative and very much unlike herself.

I feel like I am struggling to give each attention and look after both properly while trying to recover from a cold myself.

Wish me luck.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

etimologia de la palabra

why baka?

because now im soooo missing indonesia

the reason is so BAKA

i went to the 1st meeting of nifty*studio.
the cinematography club.


btw. After the prengo meeting i feel my japanese class in campus was way easier than before. HAHHA

after the meeting was over, shinsuke sempai accompany us *the 5new members, this time im lucky. Katherine wants to join this club. So im not the only indonesian* to the exit door.

then suddenly, he said, "hey, who wants to go home?"
i shouted *not that loud. Dont worry* :�ME ME�ME�ME~

he was rather confiused.

shinsuke sempai :�why?
me :�i miss my country so much
SS�:�but japan is nice
m : i know. But somehow is different
SS�:�you miss your fam or your country?
m : my country.

i think i made such a mellow face until he said

thanks sempai.

and yes i miss my country complete with all the contents.

and the other members said
"no i dont want to go home."
"i want to go to osaka" WTF�SANGAD�GA�NYAMBUNG�KAWAN
"love being here"
"i want to go to tokyo"�.....MEN

so, just because of shunsuke sempaiapos;s simple question, I MISS INDONESIA SO MUCH THIS NIGHT


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father right ontario

I havenapos;t updated this in a little while because my internet was down, but I actually really needed to put in another entry.

Last Friday, She was going to apologize to one of my friends whom she obviously has some personal problems with. She told me, and I told the girl she was going to apologize to about it so she would just accept the apology so everyone in show choir could move on. Apparently it got out somehow and it got back to Her. She then got upset with me for talking about it, and we basically got into a fight even though it wasnapos;t a big deal. I really thought it had strained our relationship with each other.

I decided to give her some space since she was being pretty cold and I was also kinda angry with her. To make matters worse, she didnapos;t even acknowledge me on Monday, then at the end of the day she sent me a text and we basically got into another small argument. Apparently I had done something wrong, and then I guess I didnapos;t do something? I really donapos;t know. It was so confusing and frustrating I canapos;t even explain these past couple of days.

Then she starts talking to me the next day, saying how sheapos;s going to apologize to everyone. She thought I was mad at her, and I told her that I was just frustrated. She told me what was really wrong and what it was that I did or didnapos;t do. She also apologized, and I did as well. Then we started talking about everything that was going on in show choir and all the problems weapos;ve all been having with each other. But everything turned out okay. Practice that night turned out great and it really seems like everyoneapos;s relationships with each other are much better now. Iapos;m really glad everyone could get through this.

More importantly, Iapos;m glad Her and I could get through this.

By the way, all that was the shortened version of the whole story. Like I said, itapos;s so complicated I canapos;t even explain it.
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Lately, when itapos;s been cloudy, Iapos;ve felt like Iapos;ll never see the sunshine again. I�actually mean this literally, not as a metaphor.

Weapos;re not talking about clinical depression...probably more along the lines of "recession depression"�(which I assume my use of is not a novel case).

I have a ton to be thankful for in my life. I have a great job, Iapos;m getting married, my family is pretty much all healthy.

I guess the main thing bothering me right now is that Lina is having trouble finding a job here in Memphis, a place that she came because of me. She spent six years in DAAP working incredibly hard and has three degrees from a top ranked school to prove it.

But then she goes to the firms around here and either they give her false hope like, "Sure Let use see your resume" followed by "Wow Your work is very impressive.....Nope, sorry, no openings. Call back in a year. " or they explain to her "well, the economy is down right now..." like sheapos;s a moron and doesnapos;t know that. Why do they think sheapos;s looking for a job rather than already has one?

The worst part about it is not being able to do anything about it to help her. Iapos;ve tried to nudge around in my contact networks, but finding an architect in memphis by going through medical and tech people isnapos;t really all that fruitful of a pursuit.

Anyone know anyone who knows anyone who knows anyone that can get her a job?

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